Myanmar Maid Agency Singapore
As a maid agency in Singapore that provides employees who come from all over Asia, we have Myanmar maids as well. Even though Myanmar maids are less popular than Indonesian and Filipino maids, they are still accepted by many due to a lower rate compared to their counterparts.
In general, Myanmar maids are a lot cheaper than Indonesian and Filipino maids. However, they do not lose out on their qualities and characteristics. Myanmar maids are fast-learners, which means you do not have to spend a lot of time teaching them new things. Show them how to use the washing machine, how to operate the oven, or how you make your favorite pancake once or twice, and they will know how to do it the next time. Moreover, they can adapt easily to new environments. So, they should be alright with living in Singapore and calling it their second home after a few months.
As a well-thought-of Myanmar maid agency in Singapore, we always try to supply the best Myanmar maid to each employer, so that they are able to get the right person for the job. Every employer has different requirements, so we will make sure to match our Myanmar maids to your specific requirements. If you would like to know more about our Myanmar maids, do contact us so that we can provide you with more relevant information.
Click here to view our Myanmar Maid Biodata.